Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Look@me I have flamingo legs!

So what do you think? Will this style take off?

For people who think their calves are fat, this could be a quick and obvious solution.
I love the graphic aspects, very modish, don't you think?
But I do dread this style to a certain extent. Legs, esp. calves are meant to be gracefully curvy. The stockings shade half the legs -the curvy half, Oh! The sin!

I think I know what's wrong with the concept. I think if the black portion is in front instead of back, it will work better - curves obvious but overall, legs still slimmed. That's the beauty of stockings - can be worn front/back, just like a convent girl's pinafore.

Images from UK Vogue website. Even though the title reads "Look@me", it's not me. Also the second pix looks the best, the other two just look too busy.
I feel the brand logo distracts and adds no value, but others may disagree.


fong said...


KT said...

eh this flamingo looks is featured in Chanel ads in mags leh! thk u mite have saw it in elle Uk too