Sunday, January 4, 2009

I can't drink now.

I've been on the cockroach pills for about a month now, and whenever I drink, I turn really itchy all over. I conclude that they are very good for alcoholics on the reform path. It seriously causes great discomfort.

Another side effect of the medication is dry skin and chapped lips. I do not go anywhere without lip balm nowadays. I also have a backup lip balm, and another one as the backup for the backup. Taking no chances.

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year everyone!

Do your movie choices say what you're like? Le'ts compare the fav movies of people I report to.

Guy I report to in the past likes:

Guy I report to now likes:

Very different management styles, and personality types.
ONe's nice and the other's a freak.

As for me, my favourite movie will be:

Cute and a little sinister.