Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Scarface Meets Another.

I have a little scar smacked right between my eyes.

When I was very young, my sister and I had a wild time jumping from bed to bed, but oops, slipped and fell from one bed heading towards the direction of the other. I hit the corner of the wooden bed frame exactly right between my eyes. This means showers of incredible blessings. If the fall was at a slightly different angle, I would have hit the bed frame corner on an eye.

A little scar souvenir still remains, but it doesn't bug me at all, no one stares at it rudely and in fact, I often forget about it.

Just realized a colleague was incredibly blessed as well. He had a scar EXACTLY like mine. And he obtained it in EXACTLY the same way - He ALSO fell hitting the corner of the bed frame, and he was ALSO playing with his sister when the accident occurred. And his, also, wasn't obvious.
Wow! Maybe alot more kids out there get into this sort of accident than I realized.

1 comment:

fong said...

Did you really hit the bed at the corner? I thought you hit the middle of the bedframe. I think what we did was, we laid out a thin mattress between ah-ma's bed and our bed (lower bunk bed???), and pretended that the mattres was a bridge. (But obviously since the mattress is soft, it was not actually bridge-like. We had to gently step down to the middle of the mattress, and then step up to the real beds.) And then at one point you leaped a little and the mattress pulled away from ah-ma's bed and you fell and hit your forehead on the edge of the middle of the bed.

Now that I think about it, why did we even consider a "bridge mattress" fun?