Alamak!!! No more rose syrup in the office pantry. WHo finished it!! I wanted to baptise my new mug with that cloying sweet drink, now I have to settle for cooler water.
I attended another event this morning. Thankfully, I'm not the organiser. It's so big scale that it's crazy. There were security checkpoints as the Prime Minister (Guest of Honour) was present. I arrived later than him... so I'm more important.
The door gift was a cute lawn green hard canvas laptop bag. There were four laptop bag colours. I wonder which color the PM chose. I liked the green alot but I suspect my colleagues all secretly think that colour is ugly. Which is good - it means no one will take my laptop bag away from me. My previous chic Andersen black laptop bag was stolen from my desk and I remain permanently scarred by that experience.
Called up a friend after work for a quick catch up session over cooked Japanese food. On our way out, a guy sitting near Ya Kun kept waving over at us. Friend was chatting away and didn't see, so after some really frantic waving from the guy, I finally interrupted my friend and asked, "Hey is that your friend?"
The guy heard, and he proclaimed loudly I'm your COUSIN! This would be COUSIN Simon whom I grew up with. I blame it on work, it numbs my brain, I can't remember people from my past anymore. We kind of grew up together. His mum more or less raised me, taught me Maths and English, and he and his older brother took turns walking my sister and me to school. It is rather unforgivable that I didn't recognise him, I shall try harder to be nicer and carefully scrutinise people who wave frantically lest friends and relatives start disowning me because they think I'm ignoring them.
I used to wonder why I don't bump into people from my polytechnic days. Maybe I've always been surrounded by them, it's just that I don't recognize them anymore.