Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some Things that money can't buy

That would include BaluKu fruits. I LURVE them, they are sweet, sour, juicy.
They are usually imported from Malaysia. In the good old days when we were living at Bedok Reservoir Road, Mum and I would consume about 1 kg of balukus every night when they were in season. But now, they can hardly be found in the streets for sale.
Mum bought some from the market this morning - Balukus making a rare appearance! Wished she had bought at least 3kgs worth so that I can eat until I puke. I have not had balukus for a few years. Long dry baluku spell.
The one in the picture is the last remaining Baluku in the house.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it buah duku? Like Duku fruit in Malay? I thought baluku was a bruise. Haha.

fong said...

Interesting. I wonder why they have not been sold for the past few years. Perhaps you can try to find a plant somewhere and grow it at home?

Redheels said...

Oh now we're inudated with the balukus!!! We have about 6kgs every weekend. I cannot take it anymore. Overdose!!!