Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Befuddling Day

Me and the boss went to a government agency yesterday night for a dinner meeting. We were a little early so the host switched on the TV for us, and it seemed like a fake program was on, Lehman down, Merill got acquired. AIG in trouble...

I was a finance major at a US uni, and joining an i bank was like the nirvana job, anyone who could make it to Goldman, Lehman,
Merrill, ...you're the envy of your fellow classmates and are set for life. Now, the banks are falling like dominoes.

Perhaps that's why I'm doing OT, subconsciously, I'm insecure about my job so I'm out to prove that I can finish my work despite jet lagging. How now, brown cow? Should I start buying shares? Have they hit rock bottom?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it