Friday, August 24, 2007

another epidemic

I am currently working chez moi on two final project reports frantically, trying my best not to step into the office. My manager has a bad, highly infectious case of swollen red eyes. He said there's an epidemic and last week, about 1000-odd cases were reported in Singapore. Since he mentioned that it's highly contagious, I find myself checking my eyes out in the mirror everytime I feel a slight itch may be coming on. So far so good...see no red. He's home resting now, with his infected red eyes kids and wife, hopefully they get well soon, and that the epidemic is contained in their Ang Moh Kio neighborhood, hehhh.

A lighter moment in the office... a fellow colleague pretend-spying and trying out Shrek ears from Mac's. As you can tell, we are professionals who take things very seriously in the office.


fong said...

You should definitely stay away from those infectious people!

Redheels said...

Hmmm, I don't think it's a real epidemic... no one else I know seems to be down with it, except for my manager and his family.