Sunday, October 5, 2008

New name card.

My company issued new name cards for us all.
Now our faces are on the name cards as well. Yeek! I'm not happy. I always associate name cards with pictures for trades such as insurance, house property agents, or car salesmen. S***, now I'm one of them.
Why do we need photos on name cards? I asked around, no one had impersonated as an officer of my agency before, so why why why? Aren't we too paranoid?

I'm not photogenic. But I must say, they did a pretty good photoshop job. All my pimples are gone! But I forgot to wear a corporate black generic jacket on the day of shoot. I wore instead a frilly turquoise chiffon top. So I don't look very corporate, but I don't really care. They could have photoshopped a suit on for me if it was very important.

1 comment:

fong said...

I think it's preferable you were wearing a frilly top. If you were wearing a black jacket, you would look even more like a property agent.