Saturday, June 21, 2008

How to not interact with a kid.

My friend J's son is now 4 years old, and is very expressive and opinionated. When I last met him two years ago, he was very shy and concentrated on scribbling in his book. Now, he is a little sunshine boy. He claims he's 22, but doesn't want to work, and only sing and play the whole day. He's either mature for his age, or we all have the mentality of a four year old.

He categorizes people: if he likes them, they are the three little pigs, if he doesn't, they're the Big bad wolf.

How did I interact with this little boy today? No good start. I frightened him.

I picked up mother and son from the train station and proceeded to our Jap lunch destination. I was trying to get the car into a Parkway Parade lot and couldn't get the elusive right angle to turn into the lot properly.
J then commented that a car is coming up behind me, and he might steal my lot. I roared out a war cry, "If that person dares to steal my lot, I'm going to freaking KILL HIM!!!" J's son at this point stopped singing and there's this Silence in the car. OOops!! I turned and glanced at him, and he, in turn, at me with startled eyes. "My son is a little timid" Joy said.

Things can only get better. "The only way is Up", Yazz sang.

During the meal, we discussed colours that can be found on our lunch table. I taught him the word Transparent to describe items with no colour and have see through properties. I was encouraged by his enthusiasm in identifying all the transparent things, so I took things a little further and tried to improve his appreciation of colours. For instance, Emerald instead of just Green, or Cornflower blue instead of Blue. He got confused.

Well, I had a fun lunch. Catching up with J was good. I hope J and son had a good time too. Maybe, next time, I can show Mongkut to the little boy. I heard he likes cats.

The mom has not reverted on whether I'm one wolf or three pigs. But I note that he refused to hug me when his mom asked him to. I think he's just Shy.

He loves light soya sauce. Would carefully press chopstick ends into sauce, then bring to mouth and taste.

Edit: One day after: J responded to my sms. Yay! The son likes me! I'm pigs!
His favourite word now is Transparent.


fong said...

Hahaha, yah better don't talk about killing people around kids!

Redheels said...

I agree. I try not to, but it's so hard.